J.H.K. Anlagenbau und Industrieservice GmbH & Co. KG
J.H.K. Anlagenbau und Industrieservice GmbH & Co. KG
Labradorstr. 5
Marine Piping Equipments
All kinds of pipings, especially: hydraulic systems (including flushing possibility),sanitary-, cargo-, fire-fighting-, refrigeration-, heating-systems, high qualitypipe – systems for yachtnewbuildings.
Marine Electric Equipment
All kind of electric installation, manufacturing of switchboards, cargo controlpanels, distribution boards.
Other Activities
All kind of steel constructions, apparatus, boilers and vessels up to 200toweight, live save equipments, product for Navy-vessels according to DIN2303, testing-Farm for Ballastwatertreatmentplants.
Total labour force: 100