Theodor Buschmann GmbH & Co. KG Schiffswerft Stahl- und Metallbau
Ship building, ship repair, on voyage and port repairs, steel construction and engineering
Since 1882 the shipyard Theodor Buschmann in Hamburg/Gemany is providing the design, construction, repair and conversion of work boats and harbour vessels such as tug boats, jack-up and bunker barges, pontoons, ferries as well as governmental vessels. The shipyard is in possession of a fabrication hall equipped with 2x 20t portal cranes as well as 5 slipways in order to accom-modate vessel up to 60m length and 15m breadth. The yard is certified in accordance with the quality management standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 as well as the manufacturer‘s qualification for welding of steel structures DIN 18800-7:2002-09.
Ship repairs will be carried out 24/7 either within the yard‘s facilities or by means of riding squads during on voyage repairs and port repairs, worldwide.