Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e. V.
Ship model tests in shallow water, theoretical and numerical investigations, full scale trials for inland and coastal vessels, development of new vesseltypes and concepts; technical and economical consulting services coveringfeasibility studies, market research on a better integration of inland andcoastal navigation; analyses of inland waterway network, interaction ship/waterway, port development, organisation of transport chains, concepts forintermodal traffic, improvement of the system ship-port-waterway, environmental impacts
Test Facilities
Large shallow water tank with wave generator and towing carriage with planar motion mechanism, small deep-water-tank, manoeuvering basin, fast towing carriage up to 15 m/s, possibility of encountering andovertaking manoeuvres with two carriages; ship handling simulator with special features for navigation in shallow waters.
Total labour force: 28