Universität Duisburg-Essen Institut für Nachhaltige und Autonome Maritime Systeme (INAM)
The Institute of Ship Technology, Ocean Engineering and Transport Systems (ISMT) provides students with a profound knowledge in the fields of shiptechnology and ocean engineering. The academic curriculum of engineeringwith emphasis on “Ship Technology and Ocean Engineering” within thedepartment “Mechanical and Process Engineering” of the Faculty ofEngineering is based on the internationally accredited undergraduate andgraduates programmes “Mechanical Engineering”. The core areas of teachingare hydrodynamics and ship design, marine power plants as well as thestructural design of ships and offshore constructions.
In research, the institute particularly concentrates on the fields of hydro-dynamics and fluid-structure-interaction as well as the design of marinepower plants and investigates in the field of ocean engineering. The studentsare given the chance to get involved in research projects and obtain practicalexperience in the institute’s own laboratory.
- PIV (Particle-Image-Velocimetry) measurements
- Experimental investigations of fluid motions in partially filled tanks,containers, etc. as well as the resulting loads
- Hydrodynamic investigations in the maritime context (seakeeping, loads,manoeuvring, shallow water, resistance, propulsion, etc.)