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Ships made in Germany 2017
Good news was scarce for the global shipbuilding industry last year: The global orderbook continued to shrink. The number of active shipyards in the intenational newbuilding market has reduced by nearly 2/3 and many of the about 360 shipyards are currently completing their last vessel.
Not exactly a great outlook, one should think. However for German shipbuilders the situation looks quite different:
10 years ago German yards turned away from building standard ship types, specialising on highly complex passenger ships, ferries, yachts, all types of naval ships and other purpose-built vessels. Early on they had to adapt to the changing market conditions, which helped tremendously to weather the current market storm successfully.
As to marine equipment, VSM members deliver innovative solutions to meet future environmental policy-related and regulatory challenges. Highly effective systems for ballast water management and systems reducing greenhouse gases and harmful substances are now available, as are new, clean options, such as LNG and methanol, providing the means to tackle the maritime energy transition. Electrical as well as hybrid propulsion systems (combining batteries with diesel or gas-powered generators) have also been deployed successfully. And since low emissions are great and no emissions are even better, fuel cell technology is utilized to generate climate friendly energy for on-board use.
The German maritime industry has developed leadership in innovative green technologies and advanced solutions for challenging projects. The comprehensive expertise has contributed significantly to the good results German shipbuilders have achieved even in times of crisis, with the German orderbook climbing to an amazing all-time high of nearly €18.5 billion in 2016.
This year’s Ship of The Year, the 98-metre yacht AVIVA, is an excellent example highlighting the green competence of German shipyards and equipment manufacturers: Her optimised hull design combines outstanding seaworthiness with a resistance reduced by 20 per cent. The propulsion concept, based on a hybrid drive system, is quiet and eco-friendly.
No reason for us to be complacent, however. Rather, we take this as an encouragement to continue driving the development of innovative, and most of all, economically feasible solutions.
The compilation of newbuilds delivered in 2017, compiled in this year’s Special Edition, highlights further impressive examples of the innovative impetus and versatility of the German shipbuilding and ocean engineering industry.
The German maritime industry looks forward to serving customers and partners with tailor-made and efficient products, designs and services worldwide. Industry delegations, exhibiting on the leading fairs and the German Maritime Export Initiative (GeMaX) are just some examples for our strong commitment to work together successfully on international projects.
Berufe mit Zukunft: VSM-Informationen zu Studium und Beruf
Ships made in Germany 2015
Great success in healthy niches
The combination of the specialization and cooperation of the German shipbuilding industry is an important factor for the success of it. Also important are the highly skilled people and the experience of building today’s high-tech products.
Bericht: Plattform Zukunftsberufe Offshore-Windenergie
Bericht: Plattform Zukunftsberufe Offshore-Windenergie
Eine Studie im Auftrag der Stiftung OFFSHORE-WINDENERGIE und der Behörde für Wirtschaft, verkehr und Innovation, Hamburg
PwC-Studie Vorabfassung - Situation des deutschen Schiffbaus 2013 - Handout
PwC-Studie Vorabfassung - Situation des deutschen Schiffbaus 2013 - Handout
Expertenbericht Schiffsfinanzierung - März 2012
Bericht der Expertengruppe „Bauzeit- und Endfinanzierung von Schiffsneubauten deutscher Werften“
Schiffstechnik und Schiffbautechnologie
Informationen für die Berufsausbildung; 2. Edition 2006, Preis: € 14,90 + MwSt + Versand. Bestellungen an den VSM e-Mail: info@vsm.de
Fertigungsstandard des deutschen Schiffbaus - Production standard of the German shipbuilding industry
Richtlinien für die Beurteilung und Sicherung gleichbleibend hoher Qualität in der Schiffbaufertigung. Guidelines to establish uniform principles of evaluation for German ship construction to ensure a constant high quality; 7. Edition, Ausgabe 2015; in German and English language; Preis: € 14,90 + MWST + Versand Die Broschüre liegt nicht nur in gedruckter Form, sondern auch digital (PDF-Datei) vor und kann per e-Mail übermittelt werden. The brochure is available as a printed publication as well as in digital format (pdf-file) and can be sent by e-mail. Bestellungen an / please order under: info@vsm.de oder per/or by Fax: ++49 40 2801 52 30
Richtlinien für Halbzeuge aus warmgewalztem Stahl
Empfehlungen für Einkauf, Lagerung und Transport von dünnen Blechen und kleinen Profilen. Guidelines for semi-finished products of hot rolled steel; procurement, storage and transport; 1. Edition 2006; in German and English language; Einzelne Restexemplare sind kostenlos erhältlich (info@vsm.de). Eine Voranschau mit Vorwort und Inhaltsverzeichnis ist hier zu finden. A preview of the Introduction and the directory can be found here. Die Broschüre liegt nicht nur in gedruckter Form, sondern auch digital (PDF-Datei) vor und kann per e-Mail übermittelt werden. The brochure is available as a printed publication as well in a digital format (pdf-file) and can be sent by e-mail. Bestellungen an / please order under: info@vsm.de oder per/or by Fax: ++49 40 2801 52 30