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Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2023 - 17:15

Schiffbau für die Offshore-Windenergie

Konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen an die Politik!

Mit diesem Papier kommen wir der Aufforderung des Bundesministers für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, Dr. Robert Habeck, vom 5. September 2022 nach, konkrete Handlungsanforderungen an die Politik zu formulieren, die eine deutliche Stärkung des Beitrags der deutschen Schiffbauindustrie für den Ausbau der Offshore Windenergie bewirken können.

Die Ausarbeitung erfolgte auf der Basis von vier Sitzungsrunden: eine erste Orientierung mit einem Teilnehmerkreis, beschränkt auf Werftunternehmen, sowie drei weitere Runden mit Beteiligten von Werften, Übertragungsnetzbetreibern und zahlreichen weiteren Unternehmen des Offshore-Sektors. An dieser Stelle möchten wir dem Windindustrie- und Wasserstoffverband WAB e.V. und seinen Mitgliedern sowie der Stiftung Offshore Windenergie für die engagierte Beteiligung und aktive Unterstützung des Prozesses danken.

Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist es, ein deutlich erhöhtes Angebot deutscher Werften für den Offshore-Sektor zu erreichen und damit einen wichtigen Kapazitätsengpass für die Realisierung der Ausbauziele für die Offshore Windenergie zu beseitigen. Das Papier konzentriert sich auf für Werftbetriebe relevante Faktoren.

Die Beteiligten sind sich einig, dass die begonnene Zusammenarbeit auch im kommenden Jahr fortgesetzt wird, um spezifische Aspekte zu vertiefen, gemeinsame Anknüpfungspunkte zwischen den Akteuren der komplexen Wertschöpfungskette weiterzuentwickeln und gegenseitiges Verständnis auszubauen.

Wir möchten allen Beteiligten für ihre engagierte und kompetente Mitwirkung danken. Gemeinsam setzen wir uns dafür ein, dass der Schiffbau für die Offshore Windenergie in Deutschland weiter gestärkt wird und wir unsere Ziele im Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien erreichen.

Freitag, 10. März 2023 - 14:30

Ships 2022 - Made in Germany

This is maritime made in Germany!

While the world is joining forces to accelerate global efforts to fight against climate change, also shipping has embraced that there is no alternative to climate neutrality as fast as possible. And yet the German maritime industry is world renown for a wide range of high-end solutions, from sophisticated components and machinery to state-of-the-art turn-key systems and complex ships. Customers trust the long tradition of excellent engineering and turn to German makers and yards for their high-quality products. It is here, where innovation drives performance, where striving for nothing less than perfection is in our genes.

In the highly competitive shipping sector, the cheapest solution is sometimes preferred over the best solution. We believe, efficiency answers to both!

In a rapidly changing maritime world, efficiency will be more than ever the key success factor. Energy cost will increase as the world gradually turns away from fossil energy sources. This development will impact every corner of the economy and the full value chain. It will establish new trades and require new business models In shipping, not only fuel cost will rise. Input prices from raw material to processed metal, from single components to complex ship-systems are bound for a significant increase. Superior product design with optimised properties enables reliable technology at the lowest life cycle cost. This has been the stronghold of German Industry ever since.

This is maritime made in Germany!

Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2023 - 10:45

EU: From Maritime Actor to Sea Power

Während asiatische Nationen ihre Marinen ausbauen und es zunehmende Konflikte an maritimen Knotenpunkten gibt, verkennt Europa noch den strategischen Wert der Ozeane. Um die Autonomie Europas und die Sicherheit der Schifffahrt zu garantieren, muss die EU nun klären; Sind wir auf Konfrontationen auf See vorbereitet? Wie werden Ausbeutung und Schutz der Meere abgewogen? Braucht es eine ambitioniertere Antwort auf die Neue Seidenstraße? Wie können wir unsere Resilienz steigern? Wie sorgt die EU für ein abgestimmtes Vorgehen in Bezug auf maritime Interessen?

Dienstag, 15. November 2022 - 11:00

Appell der fünf norddeutschen Wirtschaftsminister/-senator/-senatorin an die Bundesregierung unter Beteiligung des VSM, der IHK Nord und der IG Metall Küste

Die Wirtschaftsminister/-senator/-senatorin der fünf norddeutschen Küstenländer gemeinsam mit der IG Metall Küste sowie dem Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik (VSM) und der IHK Nord haben einen an die Bundesregierung gerichteten gemeinsamen Appell „Zeitenwende auch für die Schiffbauindustrie einleiten, Chancen der Energiewende nutzen!“ in Hamburg unterzeichnet. In dem Papier wird auf die strategische Bedeutung der maritimen Industrie aufmerksam gemacht.

Gleichzeitig werden durch die Unterzeichnerinnen und Unterzeichner konkrete Forderungen zur Unterstützung der maritimen Wirtschaft an den Bund aufgestellt.

Montag, 24. Oktober 2022 - 10:45

Energy at Sea 2022

The German Offshore Wind Compendium

Showcase for German expertise in the world

With this new special publication “Energy at Sea” from the Schiff&Hafen | Ship&Offshore editorial team of the DVV Media Group, in cooperation with the German Offshore
Wind Energy Foundation, the German Shipbuilding and Ocean Industries Association (VSM) and the German Association for Marine Technology (GMT), we aim to show the enormous technical and logistical potentials of the market and answer the most urgent questions. What goals can and must be achieved? What is needed to achieve them? Which technologies and developments are available, and how can we move forward most effectively? In total, we would like to consider “Energy at Sea as a showcase for the German offshore wind industry in the world.

Donnerstag, 8. September 2022 - 11:30

Our way towards the responsible exploitation of high-tech metals

Facts and challenges of Deep-Sea Mining

Montag, 10. Januar 2022 - 17:00

Ships made in Germany 2021

Marriage of innovation & performance

Due to the long tradition of excellent engineering, the German shipbuilding industry is well renowned for superior hardware. Costumers, who are paying attention to maximum efficiency and full reliability, appreciate the fruitful cooperation with their German partners. 

Today, the German maritime Industry champions high-end solutions from clever machinery and state of art turn-key systems to complex ships for complex requirements. We marry innovation and performance. Perfection is in our genes.

In a rapidly changing maritime world, success is a function of sound decisions. The requirements to reduce harmful emissions has been on our agenda already for along time. Today, more than ever, it is key for any investment decision to anticipate the regulatory framework of tomorrow. More stringent emission thresholds have entered into force in recent years and there are more to come with the goal to reduce harmful emission from ships in all forms. Monitoring and reporting obligations will increase transparency in the market and disable substandard operations. This is good news for the serious market players on the operation side as well as on the hardware side.

The maritime Industry is facing the task to manage the transition of the entire global fleet at sea as well as for inland navigation to embrace climate neutrality asap. To deliver on this goal, we need to rethink both the sources of energy as well as its consumption. Already today, despite using the cheapest energy source available, fuel costs are in most cases the single biggest cost factor in shipping. With the introduction of a carbon price and the use of e-fuels, this cost factor is bound for a sharp increase. In addition, ever more end-costumers are also keen to bring down their own emission profile. Clean shipping will drive the maritime sector. More sophisticated technology will make ship operation more complex and more costly, however, offering at the same time more room for a sound return on investment on efficiency gains.

German ship technology – the future-proof solution whatever your maritime tasks may be.

Dienstag, 29. Juni 2021 - 14:30

Maritime Studiengänge 2022

Die Berufswahl gehört zu den wichtigsten Entscheidungen im Leben.

Der Schiffbau bietet interessante Job-Aussichten. Ein Überblick

Vielfalt, Hightech, Nachhaltigkeit und Internationalität: Die maritime Industrie gehört zu den wichtigen Wirtschaftszweigen, deren innovative Produkte entscheidend für effiziente Mobilität und Klimaschutz sind. Sie bietet technische Herausforderungen und hervorragende Karrierechancen sowie vielfältige Möglichkeiten, sich in einem internationalen Arbeitsumfeld aktiv für den Schutz der Umwelt einzusetzen. Schiffbau und Meerestechnik sind die zentralen Ingenieurdisziplinen, die Anforderungen und Technologien integrieren und konkurrenzfähige und nachhaltige Produkte schaffen.  

Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2020 - 16:45

Ships made in Germany 2019

Great Ships and Clean Seas

The specialisation of the German shipbuilding industry in healthy high-tech niche markets is paying off

While today’s global shipbuilding output is roughly 40% below the 2010 peak, the order book for new ships continues to melt. The Asian-dominated volume markets are recovering only slowly and their new orders remained below production volume for the sixth consecutive year.

The good news is, the German shipbuilding industry has largely been able to decouple itself from this development: in seven of the last eight years, more orders were acquired than ships delivered. Healthy orderbooks allow sound forward planning for innovative products and further optimised production processes. In 2018, German shipbuilders generated a turnover of around EUR 5 billion, which is destined almost fully for export markets. Also the large array of specialised producers in the shipbuilding and offshore supply chain are popular among shipping companies and shipyards around the world. They contribute more than EUR 12 billion to Germanys maritime economy.

Demanding customers, that drive the innovation agenda in shipping turn their eyes to Germany. German shipyards focus on building sophisticated vessels. In 2019, their order intake mainly comprised cruise ships, mega yachts, research and specialised ships for the public sector, and various types of naval vessels.

This is a high-value-market-segment whose customers are prepared to make sustainable investments, not least in climate and environmental protection, and demand correspondingly high-quality and future-oriented solutions.

Due to its outstanding position in research, development and innovation, the German shipbuilding industry is able to meet these technological requirements and to offer tailor-made solutions for transport and environmental challenges in close cooperation with its customers. Its companies offer a wide range of services and products from engineering to the construction of highly specialised electrical, electronic and mechanical systems.

One outstanding example is this year's "Ship of the Year", the research vessel ATAIR, which encompasses a whole range of innovative solutions to optimise her research performance.

There are currently only 175 confirmed LNG fuelled ships in operation worldwide. This authority vessel is among the first ships in the world for special tasks to be powered by LNG, which drastically reduces air pollution and offers additionally advantages with regard CO₂ emissions.

Further impressive examples of the innovative strength and versatility of the German shipbuilding and marine technology industry can be found in this special issue of Ships 2019.

Let us inspire you! We hope you enjoy reading and discovering!

Mittwoch, 15. August 2018 - 9:45

Ships made in Germany 2018

Dear Readers,

Despite a global shipbuilding market that is still heavily suffering from overcapacities and weak demand, the German shipbuilding industry has been able to maintain its successful path. On the basis of a robust order backlog and ever more efficient production methods, German shipyards continue to develop positively and grow. The specialization of the shipbuilding industry in Germany as well Europe on healthy high-tech niche markets is paying off.

The production of unique large-scale projects that meet the highest costumer requirements is daily business in German shipbuilding. Amazing ships, with many innovative features and impressive performance are the result. Some examples can be found in this publication. Such masterpieces are realized by the shipyards in close cooperation with hundreds of highly specialized companies supplying everything from excellent components to complete turn-key systems. Together with first-class system integration competence the customer can rely on perfection made in Germany. The chain of expertise is the essential feature that makes our industry competitive and resilient.

The rise of China into the high-tech segments of the shipbuilding and marine technology industry, the necessity of a massive reduction in ship emissions, the advancing digitalisation but also new dynamism in European naval shipbuilding constitute the great challenges of our times.

Therefore and more than ever, maritime players need to create new solutions, invest in new technologies, research, development and innovation and develop new forms of cooperation. To us, all these challenges offer great opportunities. Most obvious and urgent is the need to implement environmentally friendly technologies. German companies have a long tradition in offering optimal solutions for clear and efficient operation. New international requirements will give a boost to their market success.  

At the same time, shipping companies struggle with growing uncertainty and increasingly complex technology applications: Which fuel type, which propulsion system, when is the right time to implement new technologies? More and more it becomes evident that such questions need individual answers depending on the specific operational needs. German yards, for newbuilding as well as repair & conversion, equipment makers and service providers are the ideal partners for all shipping companies that want to secure their competitive future. 

The list of newbuildings delivered in 2018 in this year's special edition shows many impressive examples of the innovative impetus and versatility of the German shipbuilding and maritime technology industry.


Enjoy reading!